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6 Reasons to Make Beer!

Six GREAT Reasons for Making Your Own Beer!

It's Fun!

Making your own beer is a rewarding hobby in all its phases. The manufacturing of the beer is really enjoyable as you watch the magical process take place. You can double the enjoyment by making beer with your friends. Drinking your own beer gives you a very special kind of satisfaction, along with the pleasure of sharing it with your friends.

It's Easy!

Cook it, Ferment it, Bottle it, Age it, Enjoy it!

Make Beer That You Like!

Right from your very first batch, you can make a beer that appeals to your taste with minimal fuss and effort. Whether you like the palest lagers or the richest stouts, you can reproduce that beer at home with great consistency. There's no beer in the world that you cannot make.

It's Inexpensive!

Being your own brewmaster, you will control the ingredients that determine the style and quality of your beer and thusly your cost. A normal batch of beer will produce 5 gallons, which works out to be two (2) cases, of import-quality beer at a cost of between $2 and $3 per 6-pack, while commercial imports will cost you at least $5 per 6-pack. Add up the savings over time - you can save a lot of money and gain a lot of satisfaction.

It's Completely Natural!

No artificial ingredients. Back in the good old days, beer was an all natural, healthful beverage, an important part of daily diet. Today, major domestic breweries add nearly 60 chemicals to their beers, some of them inorganic. These include heading agents, stabilizers, emulsifiers, clarifiers, coloring agents... the list goes on. Your beer will be 100% natural, just malt, hops, yeast,water and corn sugar for priming. Even the carbonation is gained by natural fermentation in the bottle, just like the finest French Champagnes. It won't be artificially pumped with carbon dioxide like most domestic commercial beers. It tastes better, and is better for you.

It's Premium Quality!

We cannot over stress just how good your beer can be. Once you have sampled your own beer, you will never go back to drinking imports, let alone your favorite domestic brew. Your biggest problem will be keeping your friends from drinking all of it.