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English Brown Ale Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit
English Brown Ale Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit SKU: T-BM-EBA Price: $47.99
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Our English Brown Ale is lightly hopped, with a warm, malty character and smoothness of palate. It is medium to full bodied, with caramel overtones and a slight butterscotch (diacetyl) richness. Low to medium carbonation and head retention will not prohibit hearty quaffing of this medium brown beer. The nose exhibits a malty character, shared with traditional English hops. The alcohol content is slightly higher than that of a Mild Ale.

In the style of: Newcastle Brown Ale

Ingredients include:

3 lbs Light Dried Malt Extract (DME)
2 lbs Amber Dried Malt Extract (DME)
1 bag Specialty Malts—w/muslin bags—large
Eng Chocolate Malt
Crystal Malt - 120L
1 1/4 oz UK Fuggle, bittering hops
1 Whirlfloc Tablet (crush into a powder)
1 oz DE N. Brewer, aromatic hops
1 cup Priming Sugar (used at bottling)
Average rating:
average rating 60%
1 reviews

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Featured positive reviews:

average rating 60%
English Brown Ale 11/05/2015
By Baccala
I really enjoy Newcastle Brown Ale. I was hoping this would taste like Newcastle, but it doesn't. I used a good liquid yeast. I thought this ale was a little bland and it lacked the sweetness of Newcastle. This was not amongst my favorite homebrewed beers. That being said, a friend thought this was the best beer he ever tasted. To each his own.
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