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Current Specials for Beer and Wine Makers

Our SPECIALS change every Friday.
Thank you, for your consideration.

The following items are on sale through
Thursday, March 27th
at approximately midnight

wine-glass-for-white-wines Winexpert Classic Riesling Wine Kits SKU: WXC-RIE Price: $104.29 On Sale! $88.65
Ready in 4 weeks

Sweetness: 1 out of 10
Body: 1 out of 5
Oak: 0 out of 3
wine-glass-for-white-wines Winexpert Reserve Riesling Wine Kit SKU: WXR-RIE Price: $151.79 On Sale! $129.02
Ready in 6 weeks

Sweetness: 0 out of 10
Body: 2 out of 5
Oak: 0 out of 3
Pilsner American Cream Ale Home Brew ALL-GRAIN Recipe Kit SKU: Ax-LA-ACA Price: $40.99 On Sale! $34.84
6 SRM 17 +/- IBU’s 4.0% ABV

This recipe does not include brewers yeast.
Pilsner American Cream Ale Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit SKU: T-LA-ACA Price: $45.99 On Sale! $39.09
6 SRM 17 +/- IBU’s 4.0% ABV

This recipe does not include brewers yeast.
light-Pilsner Utopia Cream Ale Home Brew ALL-GRAIN Recipe Kit SKU: Ax-LA-UCA Price: $33.79 On Sale! $28.72
5 SRM 15 +/- IBU’s 4.0% ABV

This recipe does not include brewers yeast.
light-Pilsner Utopia Cream Ale Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit SKU: T-LA-UCA Price: $38.99 On Sale! $33.14
5 SRM 15 +/- IBU’s 4.0% ABV

This recipe does not include brewers yeast.

Credit Card transactions are NEVER processed until

the order is packed and ready to ship.
Your money is your money until we've earned it.

We always have Special Pricing on:
Omega Yeast     White Labs Yeast

Books are ALWAYS discounted 25%
Beer Books - Wine Books - Mead Books

ALL Retail customers
get a
on purchases over $20 on qualified products

Retail Discount Programs
honors the following groups with
an extra 5% DISCOUNT* on certain days of the week

Monday ------------------------ Students & Teachers
Tuesday --------------------------------------- Seniors
Wednesday ----------------------------------- Military
Thursday --------------------------- First Responders
Monday - Thursday ----------- AHA & Club members
Friday - Saturday ---------- 10% OFF qualified sells*

* taxable total of $20 or more
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