American Hefe-Weizen Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit
Price: $42.99
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An American Wheat Beer has an off-white head and a light golden color. The aroma is of sweet malt which leads to smooth blend of smooth & clean tasting malt sweetness and slight wheat flavor with a semi-dry aftertaste. It will lack the banana and clove character that is associated with its German wheat style cousins. This beer should be highly carbonated which accentuates the crisp and refreshing taste.
In the style of: brewpub wheat style
In the style of: brewpub wheat style
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Featured positive reviews:
I've done this kit several times. I am a big fan of the wheat beers and this one is solid. The taste is fantastic and you can add flavors to give it some variety. This is my go to beer in the summer. Refreshing without the banana clove taste of the German hefe.