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Belgian Dubbel Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit
Belgian Dubbel Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit SKU: T-BA-BD Price: $60.99
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15 SRM
22 +/- I.B.U.s
5.5% ABV

Belgian Dubbel is a strong, tawny beer that originates from only one known brewery, Westmalle Trappist Monastery in Belgium. There are a number of commercial examples that are called "Abbey Style" ales, but none are true Trappist ales. This ale always has a very malty character, especially in the nose. The hops never really seem to emerge, and the taste is laden with powerful malt flavor. The body is medium to heavy with a chewy character that is sweet but balanced. The use of authentic Belgian candi sugar lends a slight tartness. Head retention is generally low, but the redeeming quality of this ale is the wealth of alcohol and maltiness.

In the style of: Westmalle Trappist Monastery Dubbel Ale
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Featured positive reviews:

average rating 100%
Belgian Dubbel 11/05/2015
By Baccala
I've had the original and several microbrew versions of Belgian Dubbel. This beer is outstanding. Perhaps the best beer I ever made. Use the WLP 530 yeast.
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