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Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Kits

We have selected the best Cabernet Sauvignon wine kits that offer a full range of kits, at all levels of quality and age recommendations.

The kits are posted in approximate rankings of best to good.
Chardonnays are typically straw to golden in color with a floral nose and dry character that accompanies light entrees such as fish and chicken extremely well
wine-glass-for-red-wine Winexpert Private Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Lodi Ranch 11 Wine Kits SKU: WXP-CAB Price: $213.29
Ready in 6-8 weeks
Contains grape skins

Sweetness: 0 out of 10
Body: 5 out of 5
Oak: 3 out of 3
wine-glass-for-red-wine RJ Spagnols En Primeur Winery Series Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Kit SKU: EPW-CAB Price: $200.29

OAK Medium
wine-glass-for-red-wine Winexpert Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Australia Wine Kit SKU: WXR-CAB-AU Price: $160.59
Ready in 6 weeks

Sweetness: 0 out of 10
Body: 5 out of 5
Oak: 2 out of 3
wine-glass-for-red-wine RJ Spagnols Cru Select Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Kits SKU: CSP-CAB Price: $165.59
Soft yet fruity, this Australian style Cab shows more complex varietal fruit flavours, including cherry and blackberry than its Old World counterpart.

OAK Medium
BODY Medium

Food Pairings
Great with roasted duck or beef and veggie stirfry.
wine-glass-for-red-wine Winexpert Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon California Wine Kit SKU: WXR-CAB-CA Price: $171.59
Ready in 6 weeks

Sweetness: 0 out of 10
Body: 5 out of 5
Oak: 2 out of 3
wine-glass-for-red-wine RJ Spagnols Cru International Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Kits SKU: CINT-CAB Price: $120.79
A classic Cabernet Sauvignon with a nose of blackcurrants, dark chocolate, and subtle toasty notes with hints of coffee and vanilla notes on the palate.

OAK Medium
BODY Medium
Food Pairings
Pairs well with meatloaf and mashed potatoes or prime rib au jus.
wine-glass-for-red-wine Winexpert Classic Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Kits SKU: WXC-CAB Price: $109.59
Ready in 4 weeks

Sweetness: 0 out of 10
Body: 3 out of 5
Oak: 2 out of 3
wine-glass-for-red-wine Winexpert Classic Cabernet Sauvignon Gallon Wine Kit SKU: WXC1-CAB Price: $33.59

This 1.32 liter kit makes 1 gallon of wine.

Ready in 4 weeks

Sweetness: off dry

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