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Catherine the Great Imperial Stout Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit
Catherine the Great Imperial Stout Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit SKU: T-HG-CGI Price: $77.99
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53 SRM
61 +/- I.B.U.s
8.0% ABV

Catherine the Great Imperial Stout is a dark black example of a beer originally made specifically for export. Essentially a black barleywine, it has high hop bitterness, flavor and aroma. The high hop flavor and aroma though unusual for the stout style, are required for an Imperial stout.

Don't be alarmed by the high bittering rate, when this is adaquately aged, it will be extremely malty. AND if you don't keep a 12 pack around for 4-5 years, you will never know just how good beer can be.
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Featured positive reviews:

average rating 100%
Worth the wait 03/18/2015
By Bob H
I brew this every Christmas and label bottles out for the next 5 years. Flavor does get better when aged for a year, even better the longer you wait. Takes coffee, chocolate & other flavorings very well. The holidays are always a joy with these in the fridge. I'm a casual brewer using Alt Bev kits and a 2 year old bottle of this took 2nd place in a homebrew contest against some all grain brews.
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