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English Barley Wine Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit
English Barley Wine Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit SKU: T-HG-EBW Price: $76.99
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19 SRM 73 +/- I.B.U.s 9.6% ABV Though it is not actually a wine, an English Barley Wine is the strongest ale style in terms of alcohol content. Its high gravity lends a chewy-winey attribute that is difficult to confuse with other styles. The deep shade of copper/bronze is alluring, though this beer is best aged for a firm six months because the large amount of malt employed will be buried beneath an overpowering alcohol until it gracefully ages. Not quite overcoming the sweetness of the malt is a high hop rate, creating a full bodied ale that should also be characterized by the estery and fruity flavors of the yeast. The resulting carbonation is low but head retention is solid. In the style of: Fuller’s Golden Pride, Young’s Old Nic
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