Home Brewing Wine Making Swap Meet Yard Sale
It is time for another Swap Meet / Yard Sale / Garage Sale / Flea Market where
you can sell, buy or swap anything related to beer, wine, mead, cider and etc.
Saturday October 5th
Saturday October 5th
AltBev has accumulated a stockpile of equipment for which we would like to find new homes - a lot of draft equipment that we may have used just a few times - plus used equipment. And I'm sure you might have some items that you might want to dust off for sell or maybe there is something that you might be seeking for a bargain price.
You can even bring beer or wine or hops to swap as well as
lovingly used home brewing and wine making equipment & ingredients?
lovingly used home brewing and wine making equipment & ingredients?
If you would like to participate, you can bring
your goodies, a card table and change if you intend to sell.
We will have some space on tables available on a first come first serve basis.
We can sell for you at a small commission or we can make you an offer.
Send us a list of what you will bring and we'll up-date the website
We will be posting what patrons have decided what they will be bringing to our event in this area.
We already know that there will be some
draft equipment including:
ball lock & pin lock corny kegs,
20# CO2 tanks,
domestic & foreign keg couplers,
kettles and
SS Brew Tech 7 gal unitank
SS Brew Tech 10 gal brite tank
SS Brew Tech 10 gal mash tun
SS Brew Tech grain mill
SS Brew Tech spunding valve
SS Brew Tech 12 gal brew kettle
Morebeer filtration kit
Hanna magnetic stir plate
Radnor oxygen regulator
Blichmann hop rocket
Blichmann beer gun
3 Tilt hydrometers
ball lock & pin lock corny kegs,
20# CO2 tanks,
domestic & foreign keg couplers,
kettles and
SS Brew Tech 7 gal unitank
SS Brew Tech 10 gal brite tank
SS Brew Tech 10 gal mash tun
SS Brew Tech grain mill
SS Brew Tech spunding valve
SS Brew Tech 12 gal brew kettle
Morebeer filtration kit
Hanna magnetic stir plate
Radnor oxygen regulator
Blichmann hop rocket
Blichmann beer gun
3 Tilt hydrometers