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LalBrew London ESB Ale Yeast 11 grams
LalBrew London ESB Ale Yeast 11 grams SKU: Y-LB-LESB-011 Price: $7.59
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LalBrew London™ is a true English ale strain selected for its ability to produce authentic, traditional UK beer styles. Fermentation performance is fast and consistent producing moderate esters and lower attenuation due to an inability to metabolize maltotriose. LalBrew London™ is one of the original Heritage Strains selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection when Lallemand Brewing was founded in 1992. A more subdued yeast character allows the flavors and aromas of malt and hops to shine through in styles such as Extra Special Bitter Pale Ale, Bitter and Mild. LalBrew London™ may also be used in the production of Ciders.

In Lallemand’s Standard Conditions Wort at 20°C (68°F) LalBrew London yeast exhibits:
Vigorous fermentation that can be completed in 3 days
Medium attenuation and Low flocculation
Neutral to slightly fruity and estery flavor and aroma, allowing Malt aromas and flavors to shine through

This strain is POF Negative.
The optimal temperature range for LalBrew London yeast when producing traditional styles is 18 – 22°C (65 – 72°F)
LalBrew London does not utilize the sugar maltotriose (a molecule composed of 3 glucose units).
Maltotriose is present in wort in an average 10-15% of all malt worts. The result will be fuller  body and residual sweetness in beer. Be advised to adjust gravities and mash temperatures according
to desired result.
Fermentation rate, fermentation time and degree of attenuation are dependent on inoculation density, yeast handling, fermentation temperature and nutritional quality of the wort.

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