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Distillers Active Dry Yeast
Distillers Active Dry Yeast SKU: Y-DADY-xx Price: $3.99 On Sale! $3.59
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The actual instructions off the label:

Distillers Yeast from ALTECH

Instructions: Use at the rate of 1-2 lbs/1000 gals. mash
Add directly to fermenter as mash is introduced.
Yeast can be reconstituted by the addition of water
at 93-97 degrees and then added to mash at the start of fermenter fill.

The alcohol tolerance is suggested to be around 20-22 percent.

The time it takes to get there would depend on several variables. But around 75% could potentially be worked off in about 7 days in some cases.
This is pure yeast with no nutrients.
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