Example of a
Tradition Recipe Package

The following recipe is an example of how we create a style of beer. Each recipe, among our Traditional selection, will follow the same brewing theory and procedures.
Very simple, very easy and great beer!
English Pale Ale
From its fruity esters to a variable malt/hop balance, a Pale Ale is conceivably more glamorous than the English Bitters, as it is customarily sold in bottled form. An English Pale Ale is light amber in color. Since the Victorian period, the town of Burton-on-Trent has gained a reputation for this style that far exceeds its commonplace misnomer. Most breweries of this region maintain a tradition of aggressive hop usage (27 IBU’s), which would include varieties grown in Kent, near London. Carbonation and head retention properties are comparable to, but slightly higher than bitter, with a woody/estery aroma profile. The alcohol content is 4.8%
In the Style of: Bass Ale, Samuel Smith’s Pale Ale.
Starting Gravity: 1.058~
Terminal Gravity: 1.010 - 1.016
Alcohol: 4.8 +/-  
Color Rating: 9
International Bittering Units: 27
Minimum Boiling Time: 45 minutes
Liquid Yeast Version Includes: White Labs WLP007
Dry Yeast Version Includes: Safale #S-04 Yeast
Typical Recipe Ingredients List (with notes) and Instructions
6 lbs Light Dried Malt Extract (DME)
The 6 lbs of light dried malt extract develops the amount of alcohol (4.8%) desired for this style. It also contributes a some flavor and color while establishing a good level of body and head retention. (By the way, we use the best dried malt extract in all our recipes – Munton Fison – and LIGHT DME as often as possible so that we can be more selective with the specialty malts)
1 bag Specialty Malts
Crystal Malt - 120L, 1 pound
The specialty malts are selected to impart the desired color, develop the appropriate
flavors for the style while improving the body and head retention.
(Specialty malts are the secret to quality results and they are already CRACKED and ready to use)
(1 LARGE Muslin Grain bag, that can hold a couple pounds of grain, is included with each recipe to make the use of the specialty malts easier.)
2 1/4 oz East Kent Goldings (pelletized bittering hops)
These hops are added to the boil for 45 minutes to achieve the desired bitterness.
(Due to changes in the alpha acids, the quantity of the bittering hops is subject to change)
1 Whirlfloc Tablet
Whirlfoc is like Irish moss on steroids and is included to help achieve better clarity.
The tablet should be crushed before being added to the wort .
(a whirlfoc tablet is included in all recipes)
1 oz Fuggle (whole flavoring hops)
Hops added in the last 10-15 minutes add flavor with little bitterness or aroma.
(a muslin bag is included with all flavoring and aromatic hops to make their use easier.)
1 oz Fuggle (whole aromatic hops)
Hops added in the last 5 minutes or less are for the developing aromatics.
(dry hopping is an option on some recipes to develop an emphatic aroma).
(a muslin bag is included with all flavoring and aromatic hops to make their use easier.)
1 cup Priming Sugar (used at bottling)
Sugars added at bottling develop carbonation.
(the amount of priming sugar can be adjusted to achieve the carbonation that you wish)
Brewing Procedures:
Add 1-2 quarts of hot water to a 6-8 quart sauce pan. Place the pre-cracked specialty malts in the muslin grain bags and submerge completely in the water in the sauce pan. Adjust the heat to achieve 150º-155º. Cover and allow to steep for 30 minutes. Strain and rinse (a colander or strainer could be helpful) .into a 16-20 quart kettle.
Add water to the kettle to bring the volume up to 2 gallons. Dissolve the DME in the kettle by stirring over a span of 5-10 minutes. Turn the heat up to achieve a boil.
Maintain the boil through the following additions.
A kitchen timer would be helpful.
Add the bittering hops.
After 35 minutes of boiling, add the crushed Whirlfloc tablet and continue boiling for 10 additional minutes.
Aromatic Hops Option #1 – Finishing: Add the finishing hops to the boil for the 2 minutes before removing the stock pot from the boil.
Remove the stock pot from the heat and attach a lid. Place the stock pot in a sink of ice water, allowing the hot wort to cool for an appropriate amount of time (usually 30-45 minutes). If you are using dry yeast, refer to our Recommended Brewing Procedures.
Once the wort has cooled, pour it into your sanitized fermenter and increase the liquid volume to 5 gallons with a further addition of water. Add the proofed dry yeast or active liquid yeast starter (Active fermentation should be evident within 8-24 hours normally. Let ferment according to our Recommended Brewing Procedures.
Aromatic Hops Option #2 – Dry Hopping: After transferring the beer into your secondary, add the hops for dry hopping. These hops should remain in the secondary for 4-7 days prior to bottling.