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Gift Ideas over $200

Brewers-Best-Element_Propane-Burner Brewer's Best Element Propane Burner SKU: PC-E-BB Price: $187.99
mini-jet-filter.jpg Buon Vino Mini Jet Filter SKU: FIL-BV-MJ Price: $297.99
DT-1PSC.jpg Chrome Snake Draft Beer Tower SKU: DT-1PSC Price: $339.99
champagne-italian-floor-corker.jpg Italian Champagne Floor Wine Corker SKU: COR-ICF Price: $354.99

Champagne & Wine Corker

30% Discount

PHM-PHECTDS.jpg pH-EC-TDS pH Meter SKU: PHM-PH/EC/TDS Price: $219.99
wine-glass-for-red-wine RJ Spagnols En Primeur Winery Series Merlot Wine Kit SKU: EPW-MER Price: $200.29
OAK Medium
BODY Medium
G30-GrainCoat Grainfather G30 Graincoat SKU: GF-G30-GC Price: $80.29
This heat insulation jacket is designed to be used with the Grainfather to keep heat contained in the boiler and maintain a constant temperature during your brew during cooler times of the year.
wine-glass-for-red-wine Winexpert Private Reserve Merlot Stags' Leap District Wine Kits SKU: WXP-MER Price: $213.29
Ready in 6-8 weeks
Contains grape skins

Sweetness: 0 out of 10
Body: 5 out of 5
Oak: 2 out of 3
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