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Pale Malts

Base malt can be used up to 100% of grist. Color and flavor will vary one malt house to another.
Briess-2-row-malt 2-Row Brewer's Pale Malt American Briess SKU: M-P2AB-xx Price: $2.29
Flavor: Clean, sweet, mild malty
Use: All beer styles
Color: 1.8° Loviband
rahr-6-row-malt 2-Row Pale Malt American Rahr SKU: M-P2AR-xx Price: $2.29
Flavor: Clean, sweet, mild malty
Use: All beer styles
Color: 1.7° - 2.0° Loviband
rahr-6-row-malt 6-Row Pale Malt American Rahr SKU: M-P6AR-xx Price: $2.29
Flavor: Clean, sweet, mild malty
Use: All beer styles
Color: 2.1° - 2.5° Loviband
Weyermann-Cologne-malt Cologne Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-CMGW-xx Price: $2.69
Great malt for making German Kolsch & German Alt
Simpsons-finest-pale-ale-golden-promise-malt Golden Promise Pale Malt Scottish Simpson SKU: M-GPSS-xx Price: $2.59
Ideal for brewing IPAs, pale ales, Scotch ales, bitters, and SMASH beers
Munton-Maris-Otter-Pale-Malt Maris Otter Pale Malt English Munton SKU: M-MOEM-xx Price: $2.59
Crisp-finest-maris-otter-ale-malt Maris OtterŪ No. 19 Floor-Malted English Crisp SKU: M-MOEC-xx Price: $2.59
English Crisp No. 19 Floor-Malted Maris OtterŪ is an English, ale-style malt made from the famous Maris Otter barley variety and malted in a traditional floor-malting facility.
Briess-2-row-malt Pale Ale Malt American Briess SKU: M-PAAB-xx Price: $2.39
Flavor: Clean, sweet, mild malty
Use: All beer styles
Color: 1.8° Loviband
Dingemans-pale-ale-malt Pale Malt Belgian Dingemann SKU: M-PBD-xx Price: $2.49
Use: All beer styles
Color: 3.8° Loviband
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