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Stoppers, Airlocks & Blow-off

airlock-stype.jpg S-Type Airlock SKU: AIR-S Price: $2.29
Standard "S" shaped air trap. Can be difficult to clean. Normal style used by beer makers.
airlock-3-piece.jpg Vinty Style 3-Piece Airlock SKU: AIR-VR Price: $2.29
3-piece airlock. Most desirable by winemakers because their ease of cleaning.
airlock-glass Glass S-Type Airlock SKU: AIR-G
grommet Grommets for Airlocks SKU: GRO-x04 Price: $2.99
buonvino-small.jpg Small Buon Vino Stopper SKU: ST-BSx Price: $1.29
buon-vino-10-11-intermediate-drilled-stopper Medium Buon Vino Stopper SKU: ST-BMx Price: $1.99
ST-BLD.jpg Intermediate Buon Vino Stopper SKU: ST-BIx Price: $2.99
replaces #10 fits Better Bottle
buon-vino-10-11-intermediate-drilled-stopper Large Drilled Buon Vino Stopper SKU: ST-BLx Price: $2.99
fis Demijohn
foam-airlock-stopper Foam Air Lock Stopper SKU: ST-F Price: $2.29
drilled-stoppers Number # 2 Stopper SKU: ST-02.0x Price: $0.79
drilled-stoppers Number # 3 Stopper SKU: ST-03.0x Price: $1.29
drilled-stoppers Number # 5.5 Stopper SKU: ST-05.5x Price: $1.29
drilled-stoppers Number # 6 Stopper SKU: ST-06.0x Price: $1.29
drilled-stoppers Number # 6.5 Stopper SKU: ST-06.5x Price: $1.59
drilled-stoppers Number # 7 Stopper SKU: ST-07.0x Price: $1.79
drilled-stoppers Number # 8 Stopper SKU: ST-08.0x Price: $2.79
drilled-stoppers Number # 8.5 Stopper SKU: ST-08.5x Price: $2.99
drilled-stoppers Number # 10 Stopper SKU: ST-10.0x Price: $3.29
drilled-stoppers Number # 10.5 Stopper SKU: ST-10.5x Price: $4.79
drilled-stoppers Number # 11 Stopper SKU: ST-11.0x Price: $5.29
drilled-stoppers Number # 11.5 Stopper SKU: ST-11.5x Price: $6.79
drilled-stoppers Number # 12 Drilled Stopper SKU: ST-12.0D Price: $7.29
drilled-stoppers Number # 13 Drilled Stopper SKU: ST-13.0D Price: $7.29
tubing-1-inch-ID Blow Off Vinyl Tubing 1 Inch ID-inside diameter SKU: TUB-1000-xxx Price: $6.79
blow-off-stem BLOW-OFF STEM, 3/8" OD - 1-2" SKU: BLO-S Price: $0.59
tubing-sizes 3-8 inch ID Vinyl Siphoning Tubing SKU: TUB-0308-xxx Price: $2.29
singlecarboycap.jpg Single Hole Carboy Cap SKU: CAR-C1 Price: $3.79
carboy_cap_burgundy.jpg Universal Carboy Cap for Acid Neck Carboys SKU: CAR-C2-B Price: $4.59
carboy_cap_orange.jpg Universal Carboy Cap for Standard Neck Carboys SKU: CAR-C2-O Price: $3.59
Average rating:
average rating 100%
38mm_hole_airlock 38mm Screw Caps with Hole for Airlock SKU: SC-38-ALH Price: $1.29
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