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Dark Lager Home Beer Making Extract Recipe Kits

These recipes are for the average to advanced brewers that may be utilizing the simplest of component using basic, true and tested procedures while only requiring fundamental knowledge to make GOOD beer successfully at home - every time. All recipes are 5 gallons

These recipes are made up as needed. They have a shelf life of 3 months.

SRM is a color rating - the higher the number the darker the beer.
IBU's is an International Bittering Unit's rating - the higher the number the more bitter the beer.
ABV is a Alcohol By Volume rating - the higher the number the more alcohol.

PLEASE ORDER CAREFULLY because these recipes can NOT be returned for credit.

YEAST is NOT included with the kits because there are so many possibilities.

Yeast suggestions for each kit will be on it’s product page.

brown-ale-pint American Bock Beer Home Brew ALL-GRAIN Recipe Kit SKU: Ax-BB-ABB Price: $34.79
17 SRM
17 +/- IBU's
4.0% ABV
Some YEAST suggestions are on this kit’s product page.
brown-ale Bav' Haus Bock Home Brew ALL-GRAIN Recipe Kit SKU: Ax-BB-BHB Price: $45.29
21 SRM
31 +/- IBU's
5.6% ABV
Some YEAST suggestions are on this kit’s product page.
brown-ale Billy Goat American Bock Home Brew ALL-GRAIN Recipe Kit SKU: Ax-BB-BGA Price: $35.99
22 SRM
22 +/- IBU's
4.0% ABV
Some YEAST suggestions are on this kit’s product page.
stout-pilsner-glass Dutch Dark Lager Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit SKU: T-AD-DDL Price: $43.99 On Sale! $37.39
28 SRM
19 +/- IBU's
4.8% ABV
Some YEAST suggestions are on this kit’s product page.
barleywine-glass Extreminator Doppelbock Home Brew ALL-GRAIN Recipe Kit SKU: Ax-BB-EDB Price: $58.79
29 SRM
28 +/- IBU's
7.2% ABV
Some YEAST suggestions are on this kit’s product page.
barleywine-glass German Bock Beer Home Brew ALL-GRAIN Recipe Kit SKU: Ax-BB-GBB Price: $46.59
28 SRM
21 +/- IBU's
6.4% ABV
Some YEAST suggestions are on this kit’s product page.
brown-ale-pint German Dunkel Lager Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit SKU: T-AD-GDL Price: $42.99 On Sale! $36.54
Average rating:
average rating 100%
21 SRM
17 +/- IBU's
4.8% ABV
Some YEAST suggestions are on this kit’s product page.
brown-ale-pint Sedylmayr Munich Dunkel Home Brew Extract Recipe Kit SKU: T-AD-SMD Price: $38.99 On Sale! $33.14
19 SRM
26 +/- IBU's
4.8% ABV
Some YEAST suggestions are on this kit’s product page.
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