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Home Beer Making Adjuncts

rice-hulls Rice Hulls SKU: RIC-HP Price: $1.79
Uses for both brewers and wine makers
Flaked-Barley Flaked Barley American SKU: M-FB-xx Price: $2.39
Flaked-Maize Flaked Maize American SKU: M-FM-xx Price: $2.69
Flaked-Oats Flaked Oats American SKU: M-FO-xx Price: $2.39
Flaked-Rice Flaked Rice American SKU: M-FRI-xx Price: $3.99
Flaked-Rye Flaked Rye American SKU: M-FRY-xx Price: $2.29
Flaked-Wheat Flaked Soft Red Wheat American SKU: M-FWR-xx Price: $2.59
torrified-wheat Torrified Wheat Malt American SKU: M-TWAB-xx Price: $2.89
Flaked-Wheat Flaked Soft White Wheat American SKU: M-FWW-xx Price: $2.59
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