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AMY.jpg Amylase Enzyme SKU: AMY-xx Price: $2.79
Helps convert starches into sugar, yielding more alcohol and less body.
amylo-300 Amylo 300 Enzyme SKU: AMY-300-0030 Price: $4.29
When added with yeast to primary, it will create a BRUT style beer.

TG will approach 1.000 or below.
CLARITY-FERM Clarity Ferm by White Labs SKU: Y-WL-CF
Prevents chill haze
in beer!
Quantity   1      2      3+  
Price $4.59 $4.29 $3.99
FCS-005.jpg FermCap "S" SKU: FCS-xxx Price: $3.79
Changes the surface tension of wort.

Add to kettle to reduce chance of a boil over.

Add to fermenter to reduce the fermentation cap.
proper-yeast-starter Proper Yeast Starter SKU: YS-PRO
Quantity   1 - 3     4+  
Price $5.79 $5.29
white-labs-yeast-servomyces White Labs Yeast Servomyces SKU: Y-WL-SER
Quantity   1      2      3+  
Price $17.29 $16.29 $15.59
light-dried-malt-extract Yeast Starter SKU: YS-Lxx Price: $2.79
Yeast Starter Kit SKU: YS-K Price: $24.29
OXY-BS.jpg Oxygen Regulator Kit SKU: OXY-RK Price: $60.79
1000ml-erlenmeyer-flask Erlenmeyer Flask SKU: ERL-xxxx Price: $16.59
Great for yeast starters
brewers-best-magnetic-stir-plate-3 Magnetic Stir Plate SKU: MSP-xx Price: $71.29
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