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Omega OYL-042 Belgian Saison II Ale Yeast
Omega OYL-042 Belgian Saison II Ale Yeast SKU: Y-OYL-042 Price: $13.29 On Sale! $8.90
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Thought to originate from a small, sophisticated, Belgian brewer’s spelt saison. It is earthy, spicy, peppery, tart and dry, with tropical fruit and citrus at warm fermentation temperatures. A perfect strain for farmhouse ales and saisons. It favors pitching in the low 70s (21°C), and free-rising from there.

This strain tests positive for the STA1 gene, an indicator of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus. This strain may have the ability to metabolize dextrins over time, resulting in higher than expected attenuation.

Shipping Details

In a protective foil pouch with 1 FREE ice pack for every 3 yeast


No Returns on liquid yeast.
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