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Omega OYL-500 Saisonstein™ Yeast
Omega OYL-500 Saisonstein™ Yeast SKU: Y-OYL-500 Price: $13.29 On Sale! $8.90
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Saisonstein® is an Omega-original, genetic hybrid of two Saison strains, the French (OYL-026) and Belgian (OYL-027). It is versatile, aromatic and attenuative with a silky mouthfeel. It excels in high gravity and it ferments more reliably and thoroughly than its parents. It is spicy, complex, tart, dry and crisp with some bubblegum character present from its Belgian parent, and more fruit and fewer phenolics than its French parent. Attenuation is 80-90% or more.

This strain tests positive for the STA1 gene, an indicator of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus, and is capable of fermenting dextrins, resulting in very high attenuation.

Shipping Details

In a protective foil pouch with 1 FREE ice pack for every 3 yeast


No Returns on liquid yeast.
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