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Herbs, Spices & Flavors

Brew-Tan-B Brewtan B Hop Stabilizer SKU: BTB-001 Price: $7.29
Beer flavor stabilizer for extended aging.
cocoa-nibs Cacao Nibs Ecuadorian SKU: F-CNE-BS-xx Price: $4.29
Dark chocolate flavor
cocoa-nibs Cacao Nibs Ghana SKU: F-CNG-BS-xx Price: $4.29
Milk chocolate flavor
F-CAR-BB-01.jpg Cardamom Seed SKU: F-CAR-BB-01 Price: $5.59
Cholaca Cholaca® SKU: CLT-032 Price: $50.79
Unsweetened,pure liquid cacao.
cinnamon-sticks Cinnamon Nibs SKU: F-CIN-BS-xx Price: $2.99
Enhance wine or beer with warm, spicy cinnamon nibs for rich, aromatic flavor complexity.
F-COR-BS.jpg Coriander Seeds SKU: F-COR-BS-xx Price: $2.29
Add citrusy, spicy complexity to wines or beers with aromatic coriander seeds for vibrant flavor.
cumin-seeds Cumin Seed SKU: F-CUM-BS-01 Price: $5.29
dried-elderberries Elderberries Dried SKU: F-EB-BB-08 Price: $21.79
DIY-Elderberry-Syrup-Immunation-Booster Elderberry Syrup Immunization Booster SKU: DIY-ESIB-BS Price: $13.79
This is a simple elderberry syrup recipe designed to boost your immune system.
Makes 1 quart.
F-EF-BB-02.jpg Elderflowers Dried SKU: F-EF-BB-02 Price: $8.79
madagascar-vanilla-beans.jpg Ghana Gourmet Vanilla Beans SKU: F-VB-GH Price: $5.29
Great for flavoring beers and liquor.
Vanilla-Beans-Vial Ghana Gourmet Vanilla Beans Vial SKU: F-VB-GH-6V Price: $39.99
6 Vanilla Beans

Glass Vial for storage
ginger-root Ginger Root Dried SKU: F-GR-BS-xx Price: $1.99
F-PS-BB.jpg Grains of Paradise Seeds SKU: F-GOP-BS-02G Price: $1.59
F-HT-BB2.jpg Heather Tips SKU: F-HT-BB Price: $6.59
herb-ball.jpg Herb Ball SKU: HER-B Price: $5.29
Hibiscus-Flower Hibiscus Flowers SKU: F-HF-BB Price: $6.59
LA-04.jpg Lactic Acid SKU: LA-xxx Price: $2.29
lactose-milk-sugar Lactose Milk Sugar SKU: LMS-xx Price: $2.79
lemon-peel Lemon Peel SKU: F-LEP-BB Price: $3.29
lime-peel Lime Peel SKU: F-LIP-BB Price: $3.79
madagascar-vanilla-beans.jpg Madagascar Gourmet Vanilla Beans SKU: F-VB-ML Price: $5.29
Great for flavoring beers and liquor.
Vanilla-Beans-Vial Madagascar Gourmet Vanilla Beans Vial SKU: F-VB-ML-6V Price: $39.99
6 Vanilla Beans

Glass Vial for storage
malto-dextrine Malto-Dextrin SKU: MD-xx Price: $2.29
F-MW-BB-01.jpg Mugwort Dried SKU: F-MW-BB-01 Price: $3.59
DIY-Elderberry-Syrup-Immunation-Booster Mulling Spices Blend SKU: DIY-MSB-xx Price: $2.99
Cinnamon, Orange Peel, Allspice & Cloves in the right proportions.
Makes 5 gallons.
orange-peel Orange Peel Bitter SKU: F-OPB-BS-xx Price: $2.99
orange-peel Orange Peel Sweet SKU: F-OPS-BS-xx Price: $2.99
Brewmasters Select
F-RH-BB-03.jpg Rose Hip SKU: F-RH-BB-03 Price: $9.59
F-SAR-BB-02.jpg Sarsaparilla SKU: F-SAR-BB-02 Price: $7.59
Earthy, slightly sweet, with a bitterness that is enhanced when brewed.
DIY-Elderberry-Syrup-Immunation-Booster Spiced Apple Cider Blend SKU: DIY-SACB-BS Price: $3.59
Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves & Brown Sugar.
Makes 1/2 gallon.
F-SA-BB-01.jpg Star Anise SKU: F-SA-BB-01 Price: $3.79
sweet, warm, and spicy, with a pronounced licorice-like taste
F-WL-BB-01.jpg Wintergreen Leaves SKU: F-WL-BB-01 Price: $3.59
F-WW-BB-01.jpg Wormwood Dried SKU: F-WW-BB-01 Price: $3.79
glass-vial Glass Vial SKU: F-VB-GV Price: $5.99
Perfect for
Vanilla Beans
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