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Specialty Malts

These are one of the main contributors to a style.

Specialty malt can be usage, color and flavor will vary from one variety to another and from one malt house to another.

Main contributions will be to head retention, color, flavor and aroma.
Weyermann-acidulated-malt Acidulated Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-AGW-xx Price: $3.29
Briess-cherrywood-smoked-malt Apple Wood Smoked Malt American Briess SKU: M-SAWAB-xx Price: $3.89
Flavor: Pronounced smoke, subtle fruity, malty sweet, smooth
Use: from 5% - 60%
Color: 5° Loviband
Dingemans-aromatic-malt Aromatic Malt Belgian Dingeman SKU: M-ABD-xx Price: $2.89
Weyermann-beech-smoked-malt Beech Smoked Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-SBGW-xx Price: $3.19
Dingemans-biscuit-malt Biscuit Malt Belgian Dingeman SKU: M-BBD-xx Price: $3.09
Briess-blackprinz-malt Blackprinz Malt American Briess SKU: M-BPZAB-xx Price: $3.39
Flavor: Subtle, smooth, no bitter, astringent, dry flavors or aftertaste,
Use: Color without bitterness - Black IPA
Color: 500° Loviband
Simpsons-brown-coffee-malt Brown Coffee Malt Scottish Simpson SKU: M-BMCSS-xx Price: $2.99
Rich coffee flavor and aroma.
Crisp-brown-malt Brown Malt English Crisp Malting SKU: M-BMEC-xx Price: $2.99
Dingemans-cara-20-malt Cara20 Malt Belgian Dingeman SKU: M-C020BD-xx Price: $3.09
Dingemans-cara-45-malt Cara45 Malt Belgian Dingeman SKU: M-C045BD-xx Price: $3.09
Dingemans-cara-8-malt Cara8 Malt Belgian Dingeman SKU: M-C008BD-xx Price: $3.09
Weyermann-CaraAmber CaraAmber Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-CAMGW-xx Price: $2.89
Weyermann-CaraAroma CaraAroma Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-CARGW-xx Price: $2.89
Weyermann-CaraBelge CaraBelge Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-CABGW-xx Price: $2.89
Weyermann-carafoam-malt CaraFoam Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-CFGW-xx Price: $2.89
Weyermann-carahell-malt CaraHell Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-CHGW-xx Price: $2.89
Crisp-caramalt-malt CaraMalt English Munton SKU: M-CMEM-xx Price: $2.69
Weyermann-caramunich-type-1 CaraMunich Malt Type 1 German Weyermann SKU: M-CM1GW-xx Price: $2.89
Weyermann-caramunich-type-2 CaraMunich Malt Type 2 German Weyermann SKU: M-CM2GW-xx Price: $2.89
Briess-carapils-malt Carapils® Malt American Briess SKU: M-CPAB-xx Price: $3.39
Flavor: none
Use: 2% - 20% for body & mouthfeel
Color: 1.5° Loviband
Weyermann-carared-malt CaraRed Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-CRGW-xx Price: $2.89
Briess-cherrywood-smoked-malt Cherry Wood Smoked Malt American Briess SKU: M-SCWAB-xx Price: $4.09
Flavor: Pronounced smoke, subtle fruity, malty sweet, smooth
Use: from 5% - 60%
Color: 5° Loviband
Weyermann-CaraAroma Chit Malt German Bestmalz SKU: M-CMGB-xx Price: $2.69
Great malt for making German Kolsch & German Alt
Crisp-pale-chocolate-malt Chocolate (Pale) Malt English Simpson's Malting SKU: M-CPSS-xx Price: $2.99
Weyermann-chocolate-rye-malt Chocolate Rye Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-RMCGW-xx Price: $2.99
Weyermann-chocolate-wheat-malt Chocolate Wheat Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-WCGW-xx Price: $2.99
Simpsons-golden-naked-oats Crisp Naked Oat Malt SKU: M-NMOEC-xx Price: $3.09
Briess-caramel-10l-malt Crystal Malt 10L American Briess SKU: M-C010AB-xx Price: $2.99
Flavor: Candy like sweetness, mild caramel
Use: xxxxx
Color: 10° Loviband
Briess-caramel-120l-malt Crystal Malt 120L American Briess SKU: M-C120AB-xx Price: $2.99
Flavor: Pronounced caramel, burnt sugar, raisiny, prunes
Use: varies
Color: 120° Loviband contributes red to deep red hues
Briess-Caramel-20L-Malt Crystal Malt 20L American Briess SKU: M-C020AB-xx Price: $2.99
Flavor: Pronounced Caramel, Burnt Sugar, Raisiny, Prunes
Use: varies
Color: 20° Loviband
Briess-caramel-40l-malt Crystal Malt 40L American Briess SKU: M-C040AB-xx Price: $2.99
Flavor: Candy like sweetness, mild caramel
Use: varies
Color: 40° Loviband
Briess-caramel-60l-malt Crystal Malt 60L American Briess SKU: M-C060AB-xx Price: $2.99
Flavor: Candy like sweetness, mild caramel
Use: varies
Color: 60° Loviband
Briess-caramel-80l-malt Crystal Malt 80L American Briess SKU: M-C080AB-xx Price: $2.99
Flavor: Pronounced caramel, slight burnt sugar, raisiny
Use: varies
Color: 80° Loviband
Briess-Distillers-Malt Distiller's Malt American Briess SKU: M-DMAB-xx Price: $2.39
Diastatic Power: 250
Use: distilling
Color: 2.4° Loviband
Gambrinus-Honey-Malt Honey Malt Canadian Gambrinus SKU: M-HCG-xx Price: $2.69
Flavor: grassy/honey character
Use: use to 20% of grist
Color: 23 Loviband
Weyermann-melanoidin-malt Melanoidin Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-MGW-xx Price: $2.79
Briess-Smoked-Malt Mesquite Smoked Malt American Briess SKU: M-SMAB-xx Price: $3.89
Flavor: Pronounced smoke, upfront earthy mesquite, smooth, slightly sweet
Use: from 5% - 60%
Color: 5° Loviband
Briess-Midnight-Wheat Midnight Wheat Malt American Briess SKU: M-WMAB-xx Price: $3.79
Weyermann-beech-smoked-malt Oak Smoked Wheat Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-SWOGW-xx Price: $3.09
Woodsy oak smoke aromas and taste, as well as hints of vanilla and honey.
Steel-Cut-Oats Oat Steel Cut Cracked English SKU: M-SCOE-xx Price: $3.59
Riverbend-Streaker-Oats-malts Oat Streaker Malt American Riverbend SKU: M-OSARB-xx Price: $2.89
Flavor: Almond, Creamy Oatmeal
Color: 2 Loviband
Simpsons-peated-malt Peated Malt Scottish Simpson's SKU: M-SPMESS-xx Price: $3.39
Bestmalz-Red-X-malt Red X Malt German Bestmalz SKU: M-RXGB-xxx Price: $2.99
Flavor: rich malty Munich-like complexity
Use: beer with an intense red color
Color: 12 Loviband
Briess-special-roast-malt Special Roast Malt American Briess SKU: M-SRAB-xx Price: $3.39
Flavor: Toasty, biscuity, bran flakes, sour dough, tangy
Use: IPA, ESB, Amber, Nut Brown Ale
Color: 40° Loviband
Dingemans-special-b-malt Special-B Malt Belgian Dingeman SKU: M-SBBD-xx Price: $3.09
Weyermann-CaraAroma Spelt Malt German Weyermann SKU: M-SMGW-xx Price: $4.29
Great malt for making German Kolsch & German Alt
torrified-wheat Torrified Wheat Malt American SKU: M-TWAB-xx Price: $2.89
Briess-Victory-Malt Victory® Malt American Briess SKU: M-VMAB-xx Price: $3.39
Flavor: Toasty, biscuity, baking bread, nutty, clean
Use: English Ales
Color: 25° Loviband
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